For the first time, WHO Classification of Tumours Online presents the authoritative content of the renowned classification series in a convenient digital format. Now combining the nine most recent volumes of the series with whole slide images in a searchable format, WHO Classification of Tumours Online is indispensable for pathologists and cancer specialists worldwide. New volumes will be added regularly, ensuring immediate access to the latest content. Currently includes Soft Tissue and Bone 5th ed (beta version) 2020; Breast 5th ed 2019; Digestive 5th ed 2019; Skin 4th ed 2018; Eye 4th ed 2018; Endocrine 4th ed 2017; Head and Neck 4th ed 2017; Lymphoid 4th ed rev 2017; Central Nervous System 4th ed rev 2016.
Subscribe nowThe concise and authoritative information that characterizes the print books, enhanced with whole slide images and zoom
Compiled and reviewed by an international editorial board
Digital pathology enhancements
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The nine most recent volumes from the 4th and 5th editions
New volumes are continually added
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Pricing For a limited time, the annual subscription fee of €160 is reduced to €100.
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