1. her

          [ hur; unstressed her, er ]
          / hɜr; unstressed hər, ər /


          the objective case of she: We saw her this morning. Give this book to her.
          the possessive case of she (used as an attributive adjective): Her coat is the one on the chair. I'm sorry about her leaving.Compare hers.
          the dative case of she: I gave her the book.
          Informal. (used instead of the pronoun she in the predicate after the verb to be): It's her. It isn't her.


          Slang. a female: Is the new baby a her or a him?



          Test your memory on these verbal firecrackers from the week of June 29 to July 5!
          Question 1 of 7

          Origin of her

          before 900; Middle English her(e), Old English hire, genitive and dative of hēo she (feminine of he1)

          usage note for her

          See he1, me.

          Definition for her (2 of 3)

          [ shee ]
          / ʃi /

          pronoun, singular nominative she, possessive her or hers, objective her; plural nominative they, possessive their or theirs, objective them.

          the female person or animal being discussed or last mentioned; that female.
          the woman: She who listens learns.
          anything considered, as by personification, to be feminine: spring, with all the memories she conjures up.

          noun, plural shes.

          a female person or animal.
          an object or device considered as female or feminine.

          Origin of she

          1125–75; Middle English, alteration of Old English sēo, sīo, sīe, feminine of se the1; replacing Old English hēo, hīo, feminine personal pronoun; see he1, her

          usage note for she

          See he1, me, they.

          Definition for her (3 of 3)

          Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020

          British Dictionary definitions for her (1 of 3)

          / (hɜː, unstressed , ə) /

          pronoun (objective)

          refers to a female person or animalhe loves her; they sold her a bag; something odd about her; lucky her!
          refers to things personified as feminine or traditionally to ships and nations
          mainly US a dialect word for herself she needs to get her a better job


          of, belonging to, or associated with herher silly ideas; her hair; her smoking annoys me

          Word Origin for her

          Old English hire, genitive and dative of hēo she, feminine of hēo he 1; related to Old High German ira, Gothic izōs, Middle Dutch hare

          undefined her

          See me 1

          British Dictionary definitions for her (2 of 3)


          abbreviation for


          British Dictionary definitions for her (3 of 3)

          / (ʃiː) /

          pronoun (subjective)

          refers to a female person or animalshe is a doctor; she's a fine mare
          refers to things personified as feminine, such as cars, ships, and nations
          Australian and NZ an informal word for it 1 (def. 3) she's apples; she'll be right


          1. a female person or animal
          2. (in combination)she-cat

          Word Origin for she

          Old English sīe, accusative of sēo, feminine demonstrative pronoun

          undefined she

          See me 1
          Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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